Child protection Services
All reported incidents of physical or mental neglect; physical, emotional or sexual abuse; abandonment; ill-treatment or harmful living conditions are investigated by our Social Workers.

Early Intervention Services
This core service focuses on strengthening and building the capacity of families where the children were identified as being vulnerable or at risk of removal to alternative care. Social workers council families with the hope of preserving the family unit, with the best interest of the child always being the priority.

Temporary Safe Care
When the situation demands that Social Workers intervene immediately they need to be able to provide alternative shelter, protection and care for children, which is provided at Talitha Cumi (Babies & Kidz, 0-10 yrs) Child and Youthcare centre.

Care centres
These centres are located at hospitals where the Social Worker on site does trauma containment, to prepare victims for the forensic medical examination and the victim receives further medical treatment and counselling.
This process, in a safe comforting environment, allows victims to become survivors.