Ramatheolla for kids. Charity Shop:
Childline FS would like to assure you that all donations are used to benefit our beneficiaries, whether it be from funds raised in the sale of these items (in our shop, Ramatheolla 4 Kids) or by distributing these items to beneficiaries directly. We also sell amazing exercise socks. Socks will be couriered every Friday.
Food Parcel
It is difficult to address other problems when a family is hungry so please remember us when you do your grocery shopping. We usually put the following in the food parcel: Rice, pasta, flower, maize meal, sunflower oil, soup mix, curry, Bisto, jam, peanut butter. The value of a food parcel is R280. This can be donated or delivering a parcel at 54 Aliwal Street.
Comfy Packs
These packs are intended to comfort sexual abuse victims directly after the incident. We usually put the following in the comfy pack: Sanitary towels, face cloth, deodorant, toothpaste, tooth brush, soap, lotion, toy, snack. The value of a food parcel is R135. This can be donated or delivering a parcel to 54 Aliwal Street.
Baby Basics Bag
Donate a gift pack, especially for new mothers containing necessities such as Aqueous cream, baby soap, baby shampoo, dummies, bottles, washcloths, sunlight soap, Formula (Infacare), Cerelac, and Purity. These packs will make an enormous difference to our temporary safe care parents who provide after-hour care to babies. The value of a baby basics parcel can either be R150 / R 200 / R 300 (depending on the contents). This can be donated or delivering a parcel to 54 Aliwal Street.
The price is R250 for two pairs (if you take one of each) and R150 for one pair. There are Mediums (4 -7) and Large (8 – 12)
Stationery Packs
The importance of education should never be underestimated and meeting a child’s basic stationery needs goes a long way in achieving their educational goals. Stationery donations are used at our after-school programmes and given to children who need school supplies. Suggestions for a stationary parcel: Crayons, pens, pencils, finger paints, paper, stickers etc. The value of a stationery pack can either be R150 / R 200 / R 300 (depending on the contents. This can be donated or delivering a parcel 54 Aliwal Street.
Teething toy
The price is R60 each.
Ramatheolla Jumble Sale
Ramatheola means ‘much for less’ and that is exactly how our jumble sale works. Your second-hand goods can be someone else’s treasure and also help us to raise much needed funds. Any goods that are still in working condition, from linen, clothing, shoes, crockery cutlery and kitchen utensils are welcome.